Thursday, January 10, 2013

2013 Take Steps!

Alexis and our family will once again be participating in this years CCFA Take Steps, Be Heard Walk for a cure. Last year Team Alexis raised around $1500.00, and we are hoping to surpass this for 2013! Alexis is currently "cured" of Ulcerative Colitis, but she will always be a member of the IBD family. I want nothing more than a cure to be found so other kids like her can live a normal life without undergoing the numerous surgeries to remove organs!!

If you can help us out in ANY way, we would appreciate it. I hope we can raise over $2,000.00 this year!!

Personal Page URL:

Can you believe she is already back in school? 7 days post op and she was begging to go back!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Going home!

Post-op ileostomy Reversal

I am so excited :)

Alexis has done SO well they feel comfortable releasing her just FOUR days post op! I was not expecting (yet hoping) that we would be leaving so soon. Her tiny body bounced back quicker than I imagined and you would never guess that the girl JUST had surgery! She has only requested Tylenol twice since being taken off of the pain pump. Such a trooper!

The only requirement we must meet before being discharged is meeting (once again) with the G.I department. I will get to discuss how we will treat Alexis from here on out. Not sure at this time if they will request probiotics or anything of the sort-- but we shall see! I will update again within the next few days!

My little J-Pouch Beauty Queen--first post op meal!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Today was the day!

Takedown went great. No more ostomy!!

Alexis is currently resting comfortably. No NG tube (yay!), no catheter, she is on a manual operated pain pump instead of a continuous drip of morphine and she has already made it to the playroom  today!

She is pretty amazing :)

Will update more later. Thanks for checking in!